MBE gp 8 - Brooking - RN
Henry Richard George Brooking born Devonport 20.3.1882. Served as Artificer Engineer R.N. on 16.6.1902. WWI & II. M.I.D. was aboard Malaya at Jutland and awarded M.B.E. (1931)


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Most Excellent Order of the British Empire - Member (M.B.E. 1st Type Hallmarked 1930); 1914-15 Star (ART.ENG. H.R.G. BROOKING, R.N.); British War Medal (ART.ENG. H.R.G.BROOKING, R.N.); Victory Medal (ART.ENG.H.R.G.BROOKING, R.N.) with M.I.D. oakleaf; 1939-45 Star; Atlantic Star; Defence Medal; War Medal 1939-45 (these last unnamed as issued)

Henry Richard George Brooking was born in Devonport on 20.3.1882. He had long service as an Artificer Engineer R.N. in both WWI & II., serving aboard HMS Malay at Jutland and was M.I.D. in 1918 for services in Destroyers employed on Convoy, Escort and Patrol Duties between 1 July 11 November 1918. The citation for this accolade read as follows:

"Mr Brooking has consistently carried out very good service in H.M.S. "Cherwell" which vessel has been employed for the past 12 months in escorting and patrolling in waters in which enemy submarines have been active in attacking shipping. This officer has designed a special boiler tube cleaning tool, which has been used with great advantage in Escort Flotillas."

Continuing with his R.N. service in the inter-war years he was promoted to Lieutenant Commander (Engineer) and was awarded the M.B.E. in the 1931 Birthday honours - invested with the honour from His Majesty himself at Buckingham Palace. Having retired in 1935 he was recalled for service in WWII aboard HMS Boscawen among others. 

He passed away on 16.10.1958

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