Post WWI Campaign Groups and Pairs
Post World War One Groups and pairs of campaign medals

WWII Gp - Ogilvie - RNR
C6996 APO George Edward Ogilvie RNR b 1906 Enlisted MN 19.6.1924 Taken POW HMS Voltaire 4.4.1941 North Atlantic WIA Right Thigh Held at Marlag/Milag Attempted Escape Failed
£390.00 inc VAT
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WW2 Grp 4 - Williams - RNR
D5990 John Leonard Williams CPO RNR Born St Ives Cornwall 26.7.1905 Enrolled 13.11.1923 Served WWII Glen Gower Wildfire Badger Released 3.11.1945
£138.00 inc VAT
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WW2 Gp - Grierson - RN
LT/JX226428 Smn Robert Grierson RN Patrol Service b Coatbridge Lanarks 1918 Joined 1940 on HMS Haslemere when rescue of Amy Johnson attempted Died in explosion on Loyal Friend 28.10.1943
£204.00 inc VAT
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WWII gp 3 - Bingham Powell - RN KiA
Lieutenant Patrick Alex Bingham Powell Royal Navy KIA HMS Vortigern 15 March 1942, Son of Vice Admiral George Bingham Powell, Born 1918.
£222.00 inc VAT
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WW2 gp 3 - Gray - KIA
P/JX141891 AB Adam Henderson Gray RN b Motherwell 1918 One of 5 crew members drowned who washed ashore after HMS Whitshed was bombed by Luftwaffe as the ship was en route to Ijmuiden on 16.5.1940
£150.00 inc VAT
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WWII Gp 2 Loyal Sev Badge - Wood - RN
John Richard Wood RN b 21.1.1914 Northwich Cheshire Loyal Service lapel badge included. Wood passed away Vale Royal Cheshire 1994
£48.00 inc VAT
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Gp 5 - Saunders - RN
D1720170 LRO (T) D.G. Saunders RN Served as a Radio Operator in Northern Ireland Yugoslavia & Kosovo.
£246.00 inc VAT
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WW2 Group - Hardcastle - RN
C/JX206686 AB James Hardcastle RN b 23.3.1920 Died when HMS Barham was torpedoed by U-331 25.11.1941
£174.00 inc VAT
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WWII gp - Branagan - RN
JX185483 John Branagan Royal Navy born Lancs 1892 Enlisted RN 15.3.1940 Served HMS Drake & Raleigh
£96.00 inc VAT
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WW2 Group - Cooper - RN
JX147353 Charles Edward Cooper Ldg Tel RN b Bungay Suffolk 1920 Enl 1935 WWII Malta Convoys Southampton York Nigeria Spartiate Mary Rose NGS Minesweeping medal awarded 1952 Died Norwich 1993
£414.00 inc VAT
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WW2 Gp 5 - Hughes - RN
Captain Wilfred Llewelyn Frederick Hughes RN b 1911 Kingston Surrey Served HMS Nile, HMS Duke Of York during WW2
£384.00 inc VAT
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WWII gp 5 - Bowerman - RN
J.103384 LS Albert Edward Bowerman born Chelmsford Essex 28.8.1905 Enlisted 6.8.1921 Served HMS Pelican Atlantic Convoys & Narvik Invalided 21.1.1942
£162.00 inc VAT
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WWI WWII Gp 5 - Simpson - MN
Charles Douglas Simpson 2nd Engineer MN b Forest Hall Northumberland 1886 Served WWII only casualty aboard SS Haytor sunk by mine North Sea 26 July 1940
£252.00 inc VAT
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WW2 Gp - Haigh - MN
Walter Haigh Assistant Steward b Liverpool 1894 Joined MN 1921 Missing presumed Drowned 29.10.1942 when MV Abosso a DEMS ship torpedoed & sunk
£168.00 inc VAT
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WW2 Gp - Corney - MN
Chief Eng Off John Douglas Corney MN b 1895 Stockton Tees Served various vessels from 23.4.17 No WWI medals WWII Presumed Drowned SS Llanwern sunk by Luftwaffe 26.2.1941
£180.00 inc VAT
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WWII gp 3 - Young - RM (KIA)
Marine Cecil James Young Royal Marines Killed 8/05/1940 on HMS Resolution at Tjeldsundet, Near Narvik, His Father was also serving in Marines, Comes with Family medal, Born 1922.
£192.00 inc VAT
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WWII gp - James - RM
EX/2785 Richard James Royal Marines a Bricklayer born Dashwood Heath, Warwick 15.2.1921. Enlisted 15.2.1940. Served North Africa Italy France & Germany.
£144.00 inc VAT
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WWII Gp - McCarthy - Green H
2572115 Sgt Curtis Frederick William McCarthy 2nd Green Howards born Chelsea 1919 1956 Died Colchester Essex 1975
£336.00 inc VAT
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WWII Gp 3 - Bulman - Derby Y MID KIA
Lieutenant John Reginald Bulman 2nd Derbyshire Yeomanry RAC Born 1923 Croyde, Devon Wounded July 1944, KIA August 1944, MID 1945
£576.00 inc VAT
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WWII gp 5 inc Efficiency (T) GVI - Whittaker - RMP
5886419 Pte Edward Ernest Whittaker 26th Coy Royal Military Police Traffic Control 1950 to 1954 service 359 Med Rgt RA No. 22528635
£144.00 inc VAT
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WWII Gp - Battles - Royal Scots (POW)
2760606 Pte John Battles born 1914 Dundee 2nd Bn Royal Scots POW Enlisted 1940 MIA Italy 30.11.1944 Held at Stalag VIIA Moosburg Died 2004
£180.00 inc VAT
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WWII Gp - Hartland - Dur LI (POW)
5252513 Pte Lionel Richard Frederick Hartland 9th Durham LI Born Evesham 1919 BEF Evac Dunkirk Taken POW El Alamein North Africa 27.7.1942 Held Italy & Stalag 8B Germany Died Worcester 1968
£228.00 inc VAT
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Polic LSM - Armitage
14229235 Pte/Chief Inspector Stanley Henry Armitage RASC born Dewsbury 1923 served WWII RASC to Police Huddersfield Retired in 70's as Superintendent Died Huddersfield 1998
£120.00 inc VAT
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WWII Gp 5 EM SA - Doyle - SAAF
999906 Cpl Arthur Harold Doyle SAAF b 1913 Claremont Cape Town pre-war Cape Garrison Arty WWII Wireless Operator 14 Squadron East Africa 24 Squadron Egypt Awarded EM 1947
£144.00 inc VAT
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