Post WWI Campaign Groups and Pairs
Post World War One Groups and pairs of campaign medals

WW2 Gp - Scott - RPC
1468172 Pte Thomas Scott from Belfast N Ireland attested with Royal Artillery 1938 trans to Royal Pioneer Corps 23.10.1941 Discharged 13.10.1945
£144.00 inc VAT
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WW2 group - Bowden - RA
922200 Gnr Thomas William Bowden RA b West Ham 1913 Attested for WWII Served 133 Field Regiment RA Battle of the Bulge Awarded Efficiency Medal 1946
£132.00 inc VAT
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WWII Gp - Blackborrow - RE
109609 Major Richard Leslie Blackborow R.E. Born 17.6.1908 Alverstoke, Hants. Enlisted R.E. 7.5.1923 Comm 2/Lt 30.12.1939 Served France/Germany & Malaya Coro 53 Medal
£252.00 inc VAT
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IGSM WWII - Ahmed - 5/11 Sikh R POW Died
15999 Sepoy Bashir Ahmad 5-11 Sikh Regt Taken POW fall of Singapore Died in Japanese hands 30.6.1943 Remembered Singapore Memorial
£456.00 inc VAT
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WW2 Group - Newcombe - R Signals
2584934 L Cpl H Newcombe 43rd Division Signals Royal Corps Signals Wounded NWE 24/6/1944 from Leeds Yorkshire.
£150.00 inc VAT
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WWII - Angell
6283947 Sgmn George Frederick Angell b Staines 1911 Royal Signals 1st Indian Div Sigs in 1935 served WWII in Africa & Italy
£192.00 inc VAT
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WW2 Group - Kemp - REME
1435306 S/Sgt Ronald Sydney Kemp b Hove Sussex 1907 served 234 Infantry Brigade W/Shops REME POW Leros 17/11/1943 Awd Efficiency Medal 1949
£240.00 inc VAT
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WW2 Group - Leader - KRRC
6895870 Cpl Frederick John Leader b Deptford London 1909 served 9th Battalion, King's Royal Rifle Corps (The Rangers) POW Bir Hachiem 18/05/1942 Interrogated whilst at Bachi on 20.5.1942
£300.00 inc VAT
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WW2 MiD - Foard - RE
Major Harold George Alfred Foard Royal Engineers Born Lewisham, London 5.10.1908 MID 1940 Served in the Middle East, WW2 medals confirmed
£144.00 inc VAT
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WWII gp 4 - Hutchinson - RA Ayr Yeo KiA
977380 Bomb. William Hutchinson born Cadzow, Hamilton, Scotland. K.I.A. age 29 on 1.3.1945. Served 151 (Ayrshire Yeo.) Field Regt. Royal Artillery. Reichswald Forest, Germany
£216.00 inc VAT
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WW2 KiA group - Vernalls
P/J 144945 AB Francis Henry Vernalls. Born Pontyridd Glamorgan 14.2.1915 Fell overboard HMS Caledon Gibraltar Harbour 5.6.1944
£114.00 inc VAT
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Can 77 Jub Can Forces Dec - Lemire
D-447492 Sgt Emilien Lamire attested Sherbrooke Fusiliers (Canadian Militia) 1943 not awarded any medals ww2, Canadian Forces Decoration 1956 accompanied by comprehensive copies of his service file
£228.00 inc VAT
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WW2 Group - Butcher - RE
1872896 Sgt Stanley Edward Butcher Royal Engineers Served North Africa Italy Germany MID LG 1944 for Middle East
£168.00 inc VAT
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14 Trio - York R WWII pair EM - Kelly - AAC
9593 Pte James Kelly b 1894 Birmingham A Coy Bandsman 8th Bn York Regt BEF 5.10.1914 POW Loos 25.9.1915 WWII ACC Awarded EM 1946
£294.00 inc VAT
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Def/War/GSM GVI Malaya, RAF LSGC GVI - Wilson - RAF
Squadron Leader R Wilson RAF saw service in WWII and in Malaya earning the GSM & Air Force Long Service & Good Conduct Medal
£264.00 inc VAT
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WW2 Group - Frielander - ILH
26403 L/Bdr Louis Friedlander 1st Imperial Light Horse b Transvaal 1919 A Jewish man served in Italy with Rhodesia Batty of 1/6 Field Regt S.A. Artillery Awarded EM 1946
£168.00 inc VAT
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GSM 62 pair - Tait - RA
23851337 Lance Bombardier A.S. Tait R.A. Served Borneo Malay Peninsula & N Ireland. Awarded LSGCM
£348.00 inc VAT
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Def War Eff Med - Fairweather - Kensington R
6207067 Sgt Leslie David J Fairweather Kensington Rifles b 1919 Croydon Served WWII Prominent member Order of the Oddfellows Lancashire
£120.00 inc VAT
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WW2 Gp - Cadman - RE
4743775 Spr J Cadman Enl RE 30.4.1929 Served WWII 601 Rly Const Coy Missing thought POW France reported 11.9.1940 Later discovered Deserted. Discharged 4.11.1941
£144.00 inc VAT
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Spec Con Gp - Mclaren
Robert Andrew Bride McLaren. Special Constable Edinburgh. Defence Medal possibly with Home Guard.
£38.40 inc VAT
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CSM Gp - Ingham - Kings/E Lanc
22592530 Pte K Ingham served Korea with Kings Liverpool Regt and in Canal Zone with East Lancs Medals were claimed in 2006
£504.00 inc VAT
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Korea Gp 5 - Strong - R Sigs
Capt Dudley James Strong born 23.10.1924 Boston Lincs Died 11.1985. Promoted to Major 23.10.58 Awarded 1977 QEII Jubilee Medal (Defence)
£396.00 inc VAT
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Korea - Gledhill
4537647 Fus Richard Hugh Gledhill North'land Fusiliers b 1922 lived Liverpool Served WWII West Yorks Burma/France & Germany Korea 1950's probably fought at Imjin River 22/25 April 1951
£336.00 inc VAT
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WW2 Group -Arthur - RE
2037989 Sgt Hubert John Arthur RE lived London Enlisted 23.11.1936 Served WWII Iraq 27.8.1942 North Africa Italy WIA in Tunisia 12.5.1943 221 Field Coy RE Remained on Duty
£144.00 inc VAT
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