£29.99 inc VAT
Instituted 26th September 1939 and awarded for courage in the face of the enemy, occiasionally seen in British Groups. A modern striking of this medal with no dates on the reverse.
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All medals are supplied with approximately 6 inches of ribbon, if you require extra please select an additional quantity here.
France - Croix de Guerre 1939-45 Full Size Ribbon (38mm)
Select if you require the medal mounted to wear.
Click on a style to see a image of the type of mounting.
Mount this medal on its own Mount This Medal With Others I am either Purchasing or Sending In
Full Size - Ordinary Mount
Full Size - Court Style Mount
Emblems worn on the ribbon of this medal.
France - Crox de Guerre Palm (SIlver)
France - Croix de Guerre Star (Silver)
France - Croix de Guerre Star (Bronze)
Miniature - Ordinary Mount
Miniature - Court Style Mount