15 Trio Def War 35 Jub Army LSGC - Kiernan - RN and R Sigs
J.39040/2309330 Thomas William Kiernan RN and Royal Signals, 1935 Jubilee listed as Wireless Experimental Section, 1949 he is listed on board a troop ship to Cyprus as a Government official.


£234.00 inc VAT

SKU: C1000673

 1914-1915 Star (J.39040.T.W.KIERNAN.B.TEL.R.N.);British War Medal and victory medal 1914-1920 (J.39040 T.W.KIERNAN.TEL.R.N.)Army LSGC GV (2309330.SGLN.T.W.KIERNAN.R.SIGNALS.) GVF

J.39040/2309330 Thomas William Kiernan RN and Royal Signals, 1935 Jubilee listed as Wireless Experimental Section, 1949 he is listed on board a troop ship to Cyprus as a Government official.