£71.99 inc VAT
This medal, instituted and paid for by the HEIC, was established in 1851 for award to survivors of the battles in Burma and India between 1803 and 1826.
The medal also covered the Second Mahratta War (1803-04), the Nepal war (1814-16) the Third Mahratta War (1817-18) and the Burmese War (1824-26) as well as the siege of Bhurtpoor(1825-26)
Around 4500 medals were issued.
Of note is the fact that clasps awarded to this medal are worn with the latest qualified for nearest the medal and the first furthest away from the medal.
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All medals are supplied with approximately 6 inches of ribbon, if you require extra please select an additional quantity here.
Army of India 1799-1826 Full Size Ribbon (32mm)
Army of India 1799-1826 Miniature Size Ribbon (16mm)
Clasps awarded to denote participation in various campaigns.
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Buckram Bar
Medal Naming
Miniature - Ordinary Mount
Miniature - Court Style Mount
Silver cleaning cloth