CSM Gp - Clarke - AGC
25183263 L Cpl LGG Clarke Adjutant General's Corps (Staff & Personnel Support) Served Northern Ireland Iraq


£660.00 inc VAT

SKU: C1002038

General Service Medal clasp Northern Ireland (25183263 PTE L CLARKE AGC (SPS)); Iraq Medal no clasp (25183263 PTE L CLARKE AGC (SPS)); United Nations Medal Cyprus; Accumulated Campaign Service Medal 2011 (LCPL LGG CLARKE AGC (SPS) 25183263)

Clarke served with in the  Adjutant General's Corps (Staff & Personnel Support) in Northern Ireland, Iraq and Cyprus. To qualifyfor the Accumulated Campaign Service Medal, instituted in July 2011, service in Northern Ireland and Iraq of 24 months (720 days) is required.

The medals are in good condition unless otherwise specified. The ACSM is not mounted for wear with the others.

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