
WW2 gp 3 - Gray - KIA
P/JX141891 AB Adam Henderson Gray RN b Motherwell 1918 One of 5 crew members drowned who washed ashore after HMS Whitshed was bombed by Luftwaffe as the ship was en route to Ijmuiden on 16.5.1940


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SKU: C1001772

1939-45 Star; Atlantic Star; War Medal 1939-45 - unnamed as awarded in a frame together with the original condolence award slip and a photo of the recipient

Adam Henderson Gray was an Able Seaman on the destroyer HMS "Whitshed". The boat was built in 1919 and was used by the English navy. Around 10 May 1940 they were on their way to IJmuiden to close off the access and possibly destroy oil storage. They were heavily bombed by the Germans. 5 crew members fell into the water and drowned. They washed up on the coast of the Netherlands and were buried there. Adam is buried at Westerveld in Velsen-Driehuis. His grave says died on 16-5-1940, he was 22 years old. He is buried in a grave with 5 other allied soldiers, of which four are unknown by name. 2 soldiers and 2 Airman. The third stone from the right is of Adam. The boat was preserved and still participated in the invasion of Normandy.

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