WW2 Group - Helm - Black watch
3656952 Pte Joseph Helm 7th Bn Black Watch Taken POW in Western Desert 21.1.1943 Released from Italian Camp recaptured by Germans


£168.00 inc VAT

SKU: C1002130

1939-45 Star; Africa Star; War Medal 1939-45 - with award slip in original box of issue addressed to Mr J. Helm, 19 Larch Avenue, Penketh, Warrington, Lancs.

Joseph Helm served with the 7th Battalion of the Black Watch - once in North Africa they were tasked with chasing the Germans along the coastal road in an effort to expel them from the continent. The battalion’s close contact with the enemy on 19 January 1943 was in the advance along the coastal road towards Tripoli at a strongly defended feature on high ground which was promptly named ‘Edinburgh Castle’. After a first failed attempt next morning by a fighting patrol supported by tanks to open up a route round this, it was decided that the 1st Battalion would try to capture it next night while the 7th Battalion and other units would try, under cover of darkness, to get round by the coast and cut the main road behind the Germans. The enemy decided not to stand and fight, and the 1st Battalion was able to enter the ‘Castle’ without opposition. However, in retreating the Germans managed to cause may casualties among the 7th Battalion. Tripoli was successfully occupied two days later.

It was in this action that Helm and many of his comrades were taken POW on 21.1.1943. Having been transported to the Italian mainland, they were held in camps there until the Italian surrender in September 1943. At this point, in a letter home to his parents, Helm stated that he was released from the Italian Camp but was recaptured by the Germans, who arrived almost as the Italians were throwing open the gates.

According to the 1939 Register he was a General Aluminium Worker living at 4 Walton Avenue, Warrington.

Sold with copied research. The medals are in good condition unless otherwise indicated.

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