Mutiny clasp Delhi - Wilkinson - 2 Bengl Fus
John Joseph Wilkinson Cpl 2nd Bengal Fusiliers wounded during the storming of Delhi 14 Sep 1857


£732.00 inc VAT

SKU: C1000458

Indian Mutiny 1857-59, 1 clasp, Delhi (Corpl J:J Wilkinson 2nd. Bengl Fusrs)


John Joseph Wilkinson a 20 year old labourer from Poplar Middlesex enlisted in the Honourable East India Company at London 3rd Jul 1852. He served just over 21 years in the HEIC and British Army, 17 years of which in India. Discharged with the rank of Colour Sergeant on the permanent staff of the 5th West York Militia. Twice in the Regimental Defaulters Book and twice tried by Court Martial.

Wouned at Delhi, most likely on 14th Sep 1857 when the town was stormed after a 3 month siege. On that day 2nd Bengal Fusiliers 250 or so in number were a third of Number 2 column stormed the Delhi defences at the Water Bastion next to the Jumna river, presumably it was here or inside the town that Wilkinson was wounded.

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