GSM Near East - Jones - R Tks
GSM Near East - Jones - R Tks


£180.00 inc VAT

SKU: C1001081

General Service Medal 1918-1962  1 clasp Near East (23265475 TPR. D.JONES. R.TKS.) 

The General Service Medal (GSM) Near East clasp was awarded to members of the British Armed Forces, civil police forces, and specially approved civilians for service in the Suez and Op Musketeer campaigns. The 1918 GSM was used in place of a specific campaign medal, and clasps were added to the medal to denote the campaign. The qualifying period for the Near East clasp was 30 days of service between January 1, 1957 and June 30, 1960 in the Aden Colony, the Sultanates of Muscat and Oman, or any of the adjacent Gulf states

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