GSM Palestine 1945-48 - Mullens, REME
19019107 Cfn. A.T.P. Mullens. R.E.M.E. Born in Salisbury, Wiltshire in 1927


£72.00 inc VAT

SKU: C1000035

General Service Medal 1918-1962 Clasp Palestine 1945-48 (19019107 CFN.A.T.P.MULLENS. R.E.M.E)

19019107 CFN.A.T.P.MULLENS. R.E.M.E. Anthony Thomas P Mullens was born in Salisbury, Wiltshire in 1927. He served with the Royal Electrical Mechanical Engineers in Palestine and was awarded the G.S.M. with Palestine with 1945-48 clasp. He passed away in Salisbury in 1998.