British Empire Medal (Ladies Bow) (MISS OLIVE EMMA HOPKINS) - in Royal Mint case of issue
Olive Emma Hopkins, Lady Supervisor of the Uckfield Telephone Exchange was born in Amesbury Wilts in 1913. She worked with her mother in the Telephone Exchange, taking over from her when she retired. She worked for the GPO for 39 years and was rewarded with the Imperial Service Medal in April 1970 (LG 21.4.1970) and the BEM Civil on 13 June 1970 in the Queens Birthday List.
According to the 1939 Register Hopkins was a Telephonist living at the Post Office Chambers in Uckfield. She died in 1978 having never married.
Sold with some copied research. The medal is in good condition. The Imperial Service Medal Hopkins was awarded is not with the lot.