DCM GV gp 6 & Egypt 1882 pair - Downs - RA & Manch R family
20070/1402109 Sgt. Claude Downs. Hammersmith, London. Attested 15.6.1904 Served 5th Med. Battery, R.G.A. W.I.A. 30.8.1920. DCM Mesopotamia 28.12.1921. with I.W.T. (R.E.) With father's medal pair


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SKU: C1001206

Father: Egypt Medal (2086 PTE. A. DOWNS. 2/MANC..) Engraving of the last part partially obliterated through contact with the Khedives Star); Khedives Star 1882 (unnamed as awarded)

Son: Distinguished Conduct Medal GV (1402109 SJT. C. DOWNS. R.G.A.); 1914-15 Star (20070 BMBR. C.DOWNS. R.G.A.); British War Medal (20070 SJT. C.DOWNS. R.A.); Victory Medal (20070 SJT. C.DOWNS. R.A.); General Service Medal (IRAQ clasp) (20070 SJT. C. DOWNS. R.A.); Army Long Service & Good Conduct Medal (1402109 SJT. C.DOWNS. D.C.M. R.G.A.)

20070/1402109 Sgt. Claude Downs. Greengrocer Hammersmith, London. Attested 15.6.1904 Served 5th Medium Battery, R.G.A. WIA 30.8.1920. A scarce DCM for Mesopotamia 28.12.1921. with I.W.T. (R.E.) Awarded LSGCM 1922. His citation in the London Gazette  of 28 September 1921 reads as follows:

"1402109 (frmly 20070) Sjt. C. Downs, R.G.A., attd. I.W.T., R.E. (Shepherd's Bush).

For conspicuous gallantry on the 28th August 1920. Whilst the Defence Vessel "Grayfly" was proceeding towards Samawah under heavy close-range fire from the enemy, her awning caught fire and the ship was in danger of being burnt. Sjt. Downs immediately proceeded to draw water from the river, and succeeded in putting the fire out. His prompt action undoubtedly saved the vessel."

Father, Alfred Downs 2086 2/Manchester Regt. Born Hammersmith/Islington 1885. Attested at Aldershot 2.5.1879. Discharged 2.5.1891. Served Egypt 14.8.1882 till 14.10.1882. Medals confirmed. Character Very Good.

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