MBE (Civ) Pair Def - Fasey - 13 Lond R
350693/49619 Sgt. Owen Nelson Fasey 13/London Regt b Maidenhead 1898 Reported WIA 4.12.1917 Joined Ministry of Pensions 1921 Senior Exec Officer, Board of Trade OBE 1958 New Year’s List


£264.00 inc VAT

SKU: C1001758

The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, M.B.E. (Civil) Member’s 2nd type breast badge, silver; British War Medal (350693 A.SJT. O.N. FASEY. 13-LOND.R.); Victory Medal (350693 A. SJT. O. N. FASEY. 13-LOND.R.); Defence Medal - unnamed as awarded. Mounted as worn.

Owen Nelson Fasey 13/London Regt b Maidenhead 1898 Reported WIA 4.12.1917 Joined Ministry of Pensions 1921 Senior Exec Officer, Board of Trade OBE 1958 New Year’s List

He attested for the 13th (Princess Louise’s Kensington) Battalion, London Regiment, and served with them during the Great War on the Western Front, subsequently transferring to the King’s Royal Rifle Corps. He joined the Ministry of Pensions as a Clerk in 1921, and moved to the Imports Advisory Committee, Board of Trade, in 1932. Advanced Senior Executive Officer, he was appointed a Member of the Order of the British Empire in the 1958 New Year’s Honours’ List, shortly before his retirement.

According to the 1939 Register he was a Civil Servant living at the Guise Rock Hotel, 1 Richmond Place, Ilkley.

He died in July 1986 at Hayward's Heath, Sussex

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