MM Gp - Urwin - RTR
3390716 Sgt Ernest Urwin RTR b Oldham Lancs 1914 Rhine Crossing MM 4/RTR 44th Armoured Bde. NW Europe LG 12.7.1945


£1,980.00 inc VAT

SKU: C1001994

Military Medal GVIR (3390716 SGT. E. URWIN R.TANK.R.); 1939-45 Star; Africa Star; France & Germany Star; Defence Medal; War Medal 1939-45 - all unnamed as awardedThe Military Medal is a correctly named later issue.

According to the 1939 Register Urwin was a Butcher Journeyman and a Cutter/Salesman living at 376 Warley Road, Blackpool, Lancs - the same address his medals were sent to on 16 May 1949

He was awarded the Military Medal For Gallant and Distinguished Services in North West Europe LG 15 July 1945. The recommendation for his award read thus:

"During the crossing of the Rhine night of 23/24 March 1945 and subsequently during the ferry service operated by A Squadron, 4th Battalion Royal Tank Regiment on 25, 26, 27 and 28 March, this N.C.O. showed outstanding devotion to duty and most praiseworthy standards of leadership. During most of the period 23 to 28 March, his Troop Commander was not commanding his troops owing to shortage of officers for other duties and Sjt Urwin took entire control of the direction and leadership of the troop. During the early stages of the operation there was considerable activity by the enemy in the form of mortar fire and intermittent machine gun fire laid down on fixed lines in the lanes the Sqn was using for the ferry service. In spite of this Sjt Urwin continued to operate his craft and encourage and supervise the handling and loading of craft; not only in his own troop, but of others who happened to be near from time to time. 

Altogether Sjt Urwin showed the finest example possible of devotion to duty and by his example encouraged those engaged in the operation with him."

4 RTR at the time were equipped with Buffalo LVTs when they took part in Operation Plunder, ferrying troops of 51st Highland Division across the Rhine on the night of 23/24 March 1945. 

He died in Chorley, Lanacshire in 1989

Medals all in good, original condition unless otherwise specified. Sold with some research

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