Cadet FM GVI - Dewing - RAFVR
Flying Officer Eric Charles Percival Dewing RAFVR Born 1896 Caistor Lincs WWI Lt Manch R. Died Lincoln 1975


£114.00 inc VAT

SKU: C1001609

Cadet Forces Medal (FG. OFF. E.C.P. DEWING. R.A.F.V.R.(T))

Flying Off Eric Charles Percival Dewing RAFVR (Training) b 1896 Caistor Lincs WWI Lt Manch R. 

According to the 1939 Register, Dewing lived at Woodplace Farm in Coulsden and Purley in South Croydon where he was an Estate Manager to Farms in the area.

He appears on the RAF Training Branch List as a Pilot Officer wef 15.3.1945

He died in Lincoln in 1975