WWII gp - Maltby - RN (MID)
AB George Edward Maltby born Pontefract Yorks 1912 Joined Navy 1932 Was at Narvik MID for Malta Convoy Op Pedestal 1942 aboard HMS Geranium. Died Wallingford Oxon 1979


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1939-45 Star; Atlantic Star with France & Germany clasp; War Medal 1939-45 with M.I.D. Oakleaf (all unnamed as awarded) - with original photos of Maltby, his bride and attendants and on his own in Naval uniform. The original award slip is included along with the M.I.D. certificate.

AB George Edward Maltby born in Pontefract Yorks in 1912. According to a newspaper article he joined the Royal Navy in 1932 and was at the naval battle of  Narvik in 1940 He was M.I.D. whilst aboard HMS Geranium and also participated in the Malta Convoy (Operation Pedestal) 1942 aboard her.

The famed 'Pedestal' convoy to Malta in August 1942 was an epic running fight across contested waters in the Mediterranean at a time when the outcome of World War Two was still in the balance. Thirteen cargo ships and a tanker with the most powerful of escort forces ever assembled by the British (and with aircraft carriers as an integral part) were sent to the aid of Malta The Axis powers threw everything they could at Pedestal and nine merchant ships were sunk, along with three naval vessels (including the veteran carrier HMS Eagle). Six warships were crippled (including the carrier HMS Indomitable). Only four cargo ships and the tanker Ohio made it to Grand Harbour. Yet, despite this level of damage, the effort was worth it, as Malta - and the naval forces operating from it - remained a thorn in the side of the Germans as their grip on North Africa loosened.

According to the 1939 Register he was an Office Licence Assistant living at 37 Greenford Road, Greenford, Ealing, London

He died in Wallingford Oxon 1979

Sold with copy newspaper articles and research

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