Arctic Star
Full Size / Miniature


£15.54 inc VAT

SKU: MED0820


The first officially licensed replica of the Arctic Star.

The qualifying period for the Arctic Star is “service of any length” north of the Arctic Circle between 3 September 1939 and 8 May 1945. The qualifying are is defined as 66º 32' North Latitude and the qualifying period recognises the particular severity of the conditions experienced by those who served in the Arctic.

Navy and Merchant Navy – Naval and Merchant Navy service anywhere at sea north of the Arctic Circle to include, but not limited exclusively to, those ships participating in, and in support of, the convoys to Northern Russia. Fleet Air Arm personnel, not qualified by sea service may qualify under the conditions applying to the Royal Air Force.

Air Force – Aircrew of the Royal Air Force will be eligible if they landed north of the Arctic Circle or served in the air over this area. Non aircrew on operational service in the area, for example ground crew or those sailing with Catapult Aircraft Merchant Ships, will also be eligible.

Army – Army personnel serving on His Majesty’s ships or in defensively equipped Merchant ships will qualify under the rules applying to the Navy or Merchant Navy. In addition, personnel taking part in land operations north of the Arctic Circle will also be eligible.

Foreign nationals commissioned or enlisted into the British or, the then, Dominion Forces (for example the Royal Canadian Navy or the Royal Australian Navy) will also be eligible provided that they did not receive a similar award from their own Government.

Civilians serving with the Forces – Members of the few approved categories of civilians who qualify for Campaign Stars will be eligible if, in support of military operations, they meet any of the above qualifying criteria.

Officially licensed by the Ministry of Defence © Crown Copyright.

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Product options


All medals are supplied with approximately 6 inches of ribbon, if you require extra please select an additional quantity here.

Arctic Star

Arctic Star Full Size Ribbon (32mm)


Arctic Star

Arctic Star Miniature Size Ribbon (16mm)




Select if you require the medal mounted to wear.

Click on a style to see a image of the type of mounting.

Mount this medal on its own

Mount This Medal With Others I am either Purchasing or Sending In

Full Size - Ordinary Mount

Full Size - Ordinary Mount


Full Size - Court Style Mount

Full Size - Court Style Mount


Buckram Bar

Buckram Bar




Please provide service number, rank, initials, surname and regiment.

Medal Naming

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Miniature options


All medals are supplied with approximately 6 inches of ribbon, if you require extra please select an additional quantity here.

Arctic Star

Arctic Star Full Size Ribbon (32mm)


Arctic Star

Arctic Star Miniature Size Ribbon (16mm)




Select if you require the medal mounted to wear.

Click on a style to see a image of the type of mounting.

Mount this medal on its own

Mount This Medal With Others I am either Purchasing or Sending In

Miniature - Ordinary Mount

Miniature - Ordinary Mount


Miniature - Court Style Mount

Miniature - Court Style Mount


Buckram Bar

Buckram Bar

