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The European Union Training Mission in Somalia (EUTM Somalia) was launched on 7 April 2010 since then its mandate has been extended five times, with changes reflecting circumstances on the ground. Due to the political and security situation in Somalia at the time, the Mission initially conducted training in Uganda, which also facilitated close coordination with AMISOM. This 1st Mandate was focused on tactical training to support the Somali Transitional Federal Government in strengthening its national institutions. The Mission’s 3rd Mandate contained a significant change in focus, with the addition of strategic advisory and mentoring activities to complement the training role. Furthermore, the mission headquarters was relocated to Mogadishu. On 16 March 2015, the 4th Mandate extended the mission until December 2016. Whilst maintaining its training capability with a focus on leadership and specialized courses, the Mission increased its advisory activities aimed at building longterm capability within the Somali Ministry of Defense (MoD) and Somali National Army (SNA) General Staff. On 12 December 2016, the Council renewed the mandate of EUTM Somalia for the fifth time until 31 December 2018 and on 01 January 2019 it commenced its 6th Mandate in order to build on its previous successes.
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EU - ESDP HQ Full Size Ribbon
EU - ESDP HQ Miniature Size Ribbon (16mm)
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EU - ESDP Medal EUTM Somalia clasp
Silver cleaning cloth