£14.12 inc VAT
Awarded for 30 days service in Macedonia. No clasp was issued as Greece did not recognise a separate Macedonia and it was referred to as the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.
For award of the NATO Medal for FYROM, personnel must complete both the qualifying period of service (below) and meet the eligibility criteria (above). The qualifying periods are: Twenty five days continuous or accumulated service on the land, or in the air space of former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (1) for service time that includes dates between: 1 June 2001 and 27 August 2001, during the period prior to OP ESSENTIAL HARVEST and between; and 27 August 2001 and 27 September 2001, during the period of OP ESSENTIAL HARVEST. Thirty days continuous or accumulated service for service time that includes dates between 27 September 2001 and a termination date, which will be notified.
The Medal is circular in form and made of bronze, and bearing: on the obverse, the NATO star set in a wreath of olive leaves; and on the reverse, the title "North Atlantic Treaty Organization" and the words "In the service of peace and freedom" in English and French.
A large ring is attached to the top of the medal.
There is no bar to this medal
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All medals are supplied with approximately 6 inches of ribbon, if you require extra please select an additional quantity here.
NATO - Macedonia Full Size Ribbon
NATO - Macedonia Miniature Size Ribbon (16mm)
Emblems worn on the ribbon of this medal.
NATO - Numeral 2
NATO - Numeral 3
NATO - Numeral 4
NATO - Numeral 5
NATO - Numeral 6
NATO - Numeral 7
NATO - Numeral 8
Mention in Despatches (MID) Silver
Kings / Queens Commendation for Valuable Service
Kings / Queens Commendation for Bravery in the Air
Kings / Queens Commendation for Bravery
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Buckram Bar
Miniature - Ordinary Mount
Miniature - Court Style Mount
NATO - Macedonia
Silver cleaning cloth