UN - Congo (ONUC 2)
Full Size / Miniature


£15.00 inc VAT

SKU: MED0011


ONUC was established initially in July 1960 to ensure the withdrawal of Belgian forces, to assist the Government in maintaining law and order, and to provide technical assistance. The function of ONUC was subsequently modified to include maintaining the territorial integrity and the political independence of the Congo, preventing the occurrence of civil war, and securing the removal from the Congo of all foreign military, paramilitary and advisory personnel not under the United Nations Command, and all mercenaries. On completion of the mandate, the Mission was withdrawn in June 1964.

Originally, the medal awarded for service in the Congo was a UN blue and white ribbon with a bar indicating Congo service. In 1963 it was decided that a distinctive ribbon should be issued. The ribbon subsequently awarded carries a broad centre band of green, symbolic of hope which was thought to be appropriate for a young nation, and also to represent the Congo Basin. The centre band is flanked by two narrow white bands, representing the UN Mission and at either end are two bars of UN blue. To qualify for the medal three months of service in the Mission were required.

Countries providing troops to this Mission were: Argentina, Austria,Brazil, Canada, Congo, Denmark, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Ghana, Greece, Guinea, India, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Liberia, Malaysia, Mali, Morocco, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, the Philippines, Sierra Leone, Sri Lanka, the Sudan, Sweden, Tunisia, the United Arab Republic and Yugoslavia.

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Product options


All medals are supplied with approximately 6 inches of ribbon, if you require extra please select an additional quantity here.

UN - Congo (ONUC 2)

UN - Congo (ONUC 2) Full Size Ribbon (35mm)


UN - Congo (ONUC)

UN - Congo (ONUC) Miniature Size Ribbon (16mm)




Emblems worn on the ribbon of this medal.

UN Numeral 1

UN Numeral 1


UN Numeral 2

UN Numeral 2


UN Numeral 3

UN Numeral 3


UN Numeral 4

UN Numeral 4


UN Numeral 5

UN Numeral 5


UN Numeral 6

UN Numeral 6


UN Numeral 7

UN Numeral 7


UN Numeral 8

UN Numeral 8


UN Numeral 9

UN Numeral 9


UN Numeral 0

UN Numeral 0




Select if you require the medal mounted to wear.

Click on a style to see a image of the type of mounting.

Mount this medal on its own

Mount This Medal With Others I am either Purchasing or Sending In

Full Size - Ordinary Mount

Full Size - Ordinary Mount


Full Size - Court Style Mount

Full Size - Court Style Mount


Buckram Bar

Buckram Bar



Miniature options


All medals are supplied with approximately 6 inches of ribbon, if you require extra please select an additional quantity here.

UN - Congo (ONUC 2)

UN - Congo (ONUC 2) Full Size Ribbon (35mm)


UN - Congo (ONUC)

UN - Congo (ONUC) Miniature Size Ribbon (16mm)




Select if you require the medal mounted to wear.

Click on a style to see a image of the type of mounting.

Mount this medal on its own

Mount This Medal With Others I am either Purchasing or Sending In

Miniature - Ordinary Mount

Miniature - Ordinary Mount


Miniature - Court Style Mount

Miniature - Court Style Mount


Buckram Bar

Buckram Bar

