George Cross
Full Size / Miniature


£40.50 inc VAT



The latest award of this is to the NHS. It should be noted that the award is to the organisation and as such individuals may not wear the medal, miniature, ribbon emblem or use the post nominals GC. A replica may be purchased as a keepsake but cannot be named to anoyone other than a bona fide recipient.

Instituted in 1940 to recognise acts of great gallantry primarily on the home front which did not qualify for Military honours.

The Cross was named after King George VI and is awarded to Military and civilians alike for gallantry of the highest level.

It was awarded to the island of Malta to recognise its gallantry during WWII and awarded collectively to the Royal Ulster Constabulary in 2000. HM the Queen presented it at Hillsborogh Castle in April 2000.

Equivalent in rank to the VC, the GC is awarded to Military personnel for gallantry "not in the face of an enemy"

The latest individual awards, to Lieutenant, now Captain, Samuel Shephard of the Royal Marines for attempting to save the life of a fellow RM Officer in a training exercise off the coast of Egypt and to Dominic Troulan for his rescue of people caught up in the Al-Shabab attack on the shopping Mall in Kenya. The award to Dominic Troulan was the first to a civilian for 41 years.

This is die-struck in the same manner as the original awards.

We are delighted to be an approved manufacturer of the George Cross to The Central Chancery of The Orders of Knighthood.

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Product options


All medals are supplied with approximately 6 inches of ribbon, if you require extra please select an additional quantity here.

George Cross

George Cross Full Size Ribbon (38mm)


George Cross

George Cross Miniature Size Ribbon (16mm)




Emblems worn on the ribbon of this medal.

George Cross Ribbon Emblem

George Cross Ribbon Emblem




Select if you require the medal mounted to wear.

Click on a style to see a image of the type of mounting.

Mount this medal on its own

Mount This Medal With Others I am either Purchasing or Sending In

Full Size - Ordinary Mount

Full Size - Ordinary Mount


Full Size - Court Style Mount

Full Size - Court Style Mount


Buckram Bar

Buckram Bar


Ladies Bow - Full Size with Tails

Ladies Bow - Full Size with Tails




Please provide service number, rank, initials, surname and regiment.

Medal Naming

Add naming to basket


Miniature options


All medals are supplied with approximately 6 inches of ribbon, if you require extra please select an additional quantity here.

George Cross

George Cross Full Size Ribbon (38mm)


George Cross

George Cross Miniature Size Ribbon (16mm)




Select if you require the medal mounted to wear.

Click on a style to see a image of the type of mounting.

Mount this medal on its own

Mount This Medal With Others I am either Purchasing or Sending In

Miniature - Ordinary Mount

Miniature - Ordinary Mount


Miniature - Court Style Mount

Miniature - Court Style Mount


Buckram Bar

Buckram Bar

