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Territorial Decoration awarded with the green ribbon with central yellow stripe until 1982 when it was combined into a single Decoration emcompassing the AER and T&AVR, the ribbon was then standardised to half blue half green with a central yellow stripe.
This is the version awarded with the HAC ribbon to members of the HAC who qualify for the award, other reserve units wore it with the usual ribbon, see here:-
Territorial Decoration EIIR (1952-1969).
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All medals are supplied with approximately 6 inches of ribbon, if you require extra please select an additional quantity here.
HAC TD Full Size Ribbon
HAC TD/Efficiency Medal Miniature Size Ribbon (16mm)
Emblems worn on the ribbon of this medal.
Rosette - Ribbon Bar
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Full Size - Ordinary Mount
Full Size - Court Style Mount
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Buckram Bar
Second award bars to denote an additional qualification to the medal.
Territorial Decoration 2nd Award EIIR
Miniature - Ordinary Mount
Miniature - Court Style Mount
Rosette - Medal & Ribbon Bar
Silver cleaning cloth