£47.14 inc VAT
Instituted by Queen Victoria, this medal is awarded annually to the best shots in the Regular Army and Reserves. It is also awarded in a number of commonwealth countries.
This replica comes with a bar for the year of award, please state the year required at the check-out. This year bar is engraved with the year rather than struck, if you prefer a bar with raised year details please contact us for the additional cost.
Please confirm your product options below
Select Medals Required
All medals are supplied with approximately 6 inches of ribbon, if you require extra please select an additional quantity here.
Army Champion Shot Full Size Ribbon (32mm)
Army Champion Shot Miniature Size Ribbon (16mm)
Select if you require the medal mounted to wear.
Click on a style to see a image of the type of mounting.
Mount this medal on its own Mount This Medal With Others I am either Purchasing or Sending In
Full Size - Ordinary Mount
Full Size - Court Style Mount
Please indicate if you require service details engraved on the medal.
All gallantry awards will be verified before naming, at the checkout please add London Gazette dates if known.
Medal Naming
Miniature - Ordinary Mount
Miniature - Court Style Mount
Buckram Bar
Army Champion Shot - EIIR
Silver cleaning cloth