1914-15 Star (M2-021302 PTE. T.J. NORTHOVER. A.S.C.); British War Medal (M2-021302 PTE. T.J. NORTHOVER. A.S.C.); Victory Medal (M2-021302 PTE. T.J. NORTHOVER. A.S.C.)
Thomas John Northover was born in West Milton Dorset in and was a Garage Proprietor and Driver from Dorchester when he attested with the Army Service Corps. He went to France on 10.12.1914 and served with 27 Division Ammunition Park.
According to the Statement of Case completed by Northover in February 1919, he had seen service in France for 3 years; Belgium 1 year and Germany 2 months when he succumbed to the effects of Orchitis - the inflammation or swelling of one or both testicles, often caused by infections. He was discharged as a result but the war was already over.
His address was Allington House, 26 Guildford Road, Dorchester, Dorset.
According to the 1939 Register he was living at 342 Cowley Road, Oxford, Oxfordshire and was a Bus Driver. He died there on 27 January 1960
Medals are in good condition unless otherwise indicated. Sold with copied research.