BEM - Rogers
Iris Violet Dorothy Rogers b Woolwich 1922 Awd BEM 1975 as Higher Grade Cartographic Draughtswoman, Property Services Agency, Department of the Environment Died 2002


£168.00 inc VAT

SKU: C1002026

British Empire Medal (MISS IRIS VIOLET DOROTHY ROGERS) - on Ladies bow in Royal Mint case.

Iris Violet Dorothy Rogers was born in Woolwich. London in 1922. She was awarded the British Empire Medal on 14 Jun 1975 in the Queens Birthday Honours List as a Higher Grade Cartographic Draughtswoman, Property Services Agency, Department of the Environment.

According to the 1939 Register she was living at 136 Riverdale Road, Woolwich and was a Tracer (Architect)

She passed away in 2002

The medal is in good condition unless otherwise specified. Sold with copied research.

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