Boer War Gp 7 - Simpson - ASC
14474 QMS John Henry Simpson Driver with ASC b Guildford 1881 Enlisted 13.3.1899 Fought Boer War & Somaliland 1902 WWI Horse Transport depot Havre Disch 1920 21 yrs service Awd LSGCM


£780.00 inc VAT

SKU: C1002041

Queens South Africa Medal clasps Cape Colony, Paardeberg, Driefontein, Transvaal (14474 DR: J.H. SIMPSON. A.S.C.); Kings South Africa Medal clasps South Africa 1901 & 1902 (14474 DVR: J.H. SIMPSON. A.S.C.); Africa General service Medal clasp Somaliland 1902-04 (14474 L.CORPL. J.H. SIMPSON. A.S.C.); 1914 Star clasp 5TH AUG - 22 NOV 1914 (T/14474 SJT. J.H. SIMPSON. A.S.C.); British War Medal (T-14474 A.C.Q.M.SJT. J.H. SIMPSON. A.S.C.); Victory Medal (erased); Army Long Service & Good Conduct Medal GVR (T-14474  SJT: J.H. SIMPSON. A.S.C.)

John Henry Simpson was mustered as a Driver with the Army Service Corps. He was born in Guildford, Surrey in 1881. Having enlisted with the ASC on 13.3.1899 he fought in both the Anglo Boer War being present in the Western Theatre battles of Paardeberg and Driefontein, before moving on to serve against the Mad Mullah in Somaliland in 1902.

His WWI service, also with the ASC, was at the Horse Transport Depot in Havre. He was discharged in 1920 after 21 years service for which he was awarded the LSGCM.

He was living at 26 Falcon Road, Stoke near Guildford in 1920.

The medals are in good condition unless otherwise stipulated. The Victory Medal has been erased. Sold with copied research.

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