Boer War Pair - Hutchings - Som LI
2672 Pte William Hutchings 2/Somerset R b Crewkerne 1873 Attested SLI 1889 Served Boer War Rel of Ladysmith Discharged 1902 Re-enlisted 1908 WWI served India 1914/15 1/5 SLI Awd TFWM 1919


£312.00 inc VAT

SKU: C1002045

Queens South Africa Medal clasps Cape Colony, Tugela Heights, Orange Free State, Relief of Ladysmith, Transvaal (2672 PTE. W. HUTCHINGS. SOMERSET LT INFY); Kings South Africa Medal clasps South Africa 1901 & 1902 (2672 PTE. W. HUTCHINGS. SOMERSET L.I.)

William Hutchings who saw service with the  2/Somersets was born in Crewkerne in 1873. He attested for service with the Somerset Light Infantry in 1889, serving with them in the Boer War in the Relief of Ladysmith operations. He was discharged in 1902 but re-enlisted in 1908 for further service.

He served in India during the period 1914/15 in WWI and was awarded the British War Medal and Territorial Forces War Medal whilst with the 1/5 SLI. Neither medal present with group.

Also served with no. 92 & 265361.

The medals are in good condition unless otherwise stipulated. Sold with some copied research.

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