Father - 1914 Star clasp 5Aug-22 Nov 1914 (3590 SJT. A.E. MITCHELL. 1/K.R.RIF:C.); British War Medal (3590 W.O.CL.2. A.E. MITCHELL. K.R.RIF.C.); Victory Medal (3590 W.O.CL.2. A.E. MITCHELL. K.R.RIF.C.); Defence Medal; War Medal 1939-45; Army Long Service & Good Conduct Medal GVR (3590 Q.M.SJT. A.E. MITCHELL. K.R. RIF.C.); Meritorious Service Medal GVIR (6837069 W.O.CL.2. A.E. MITCHELL. K.R.R.C.) - the "1914" on the Star has been polished and is not as crisp as when issued. With a quantity of Army Temperance medals and a K.R.R.C. badge.
Son - Defence Medal; Police Exemplary Service Medal QEII (INSPR. ALBERT C. MITCHELL) - in original box of issue for the Police Medal and with Hampshire Police badge
Father - Albert Edward Mitchell was born in Winchester, Hants on 11 December 1886. Having attested for service with the K.R.R.C. he was an early entrant to WWI, being sent to France on 13.8.1914. Less than 2 weeks later, on 25 November 1914 he was admitted to hospital with Rheumatism of the Back for which he was treated for 7 days before being discharged. He saw out the war and was awarded the LSGCM in 1919. At the time of the 1939 Register he was a Colour Sergeant with the K.R.R.C. at home on leave from the Army, living at 23 Cheriton Road, Winchester - this is the same address his WWII medals were posted to on 27 October 1949. He was the Regimental Sergeant Major of the Kings Royal Rifle Corps in WWII. He died in Winchester on 25 February 1966.
Son - Albert Charles Mitchell was born in Farnham, Surrey on 6 August 1913. At the time of the 1939 Register he was a Police Constable on duty at the Leigh Road Police Station in Eastleigh. He rose to the rank of Inpector and was awarded the Police Exemplary Service Medal. He does not appear to have married and he died in March 1989 on the Isle of Wight.
All medals in good condition unless otherwise described. Sold with some copied research iro each member.