MC Gp - Flint - Recce C
299430/Lt William Flint, 61 Recce Rgt RAC b 1919 lived St Helens Comm 11.1943 Immediate MC France 12.1944


£2,700.00 inc VAT

SKU: C1001895

Military Cross GVIR (1944); 1939-45 Star; France & Germany Star; Defence Medal; War Medal 1939-45 - all unnamed as awarded together with matching miniatures and a Reconnaissance Corps badge.

MC in original case; along with the original box of issue wherein the medals are contained addressed to Mr W Flint, Esq. Mayfield, 125 Kiln Lane, St. Helens.

299430/Lt William Flint, 61 Recce Rgt RAC b 1919 lived St Helens Comm 11.1943 Immediate MC Italy 12.1944

Appointed a Lieutenant, Reconnaissance Corps LG 30 November 1943 page 5235

Flint was a very brave man - the citation for the immediate award of the Military Cross reads:

"On August 12th 1944 Lt Flints' armoured car troop was part of a force ordered to find out if LENAULT was held by the enemy and if held, in what strength. As he approached the buildings in the village a single German ran across the road about 50 yards away. Lt Flint dismounted one LMG and searched the area with all his weapons. As fire was not returned Lt Flint continued his patrol in his armoured cars. When he reached the first building he dismounted and with one man searched the first two houses and an orchard honeycombed with dugouts. As they were entering the third house they were fired on from 20 yards range. They answered with Sten and 36 grenades. Lt Flint left a LMG man to cover the enemy position and continued on foot. Twenty yards further on he was engaged by approximately a Platoon with Spandaus, grenades and rifle fire. Shortly after an anti-tank gun opened on the armoured cars. Lt Flint and the Trooper were now cut off from their armoured cars, but fought their way out with grenades. They returned to their cars and engaged the whole area with all weapons. Lt Flint then withdrew all his armoured cars except his own from which he directed mortar fire onto the enemy. This he continued to do in spite of very heavy mortar fire, until ordered to withdraw by his Squadron Commander.

Lt Flint by his courage and skill in pressing forward his patrol not only produced the full information required by his Squadron Leader, but inflicted considerable casualties on the enemy, this was confirmed by a prisoner taken later in the day." Award of the Military Cross appeared in the LG of 21 December 1944 page 5854.

In "Only the Enemy in Front" by Richard Dougherty he mentions that, "Near Le Plessis- Grimault, Lieutenant Flint won the M.C., "in a brilliant little patrol with his gunner, chasing Boches in and out of houses."

Sold with some paperwork and an original photo of Flint and a framed photo of the Royal Armoured Corps O.C.T.U., Sandhurst, 1943.

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