MM Group - Parkin - Green Howards
4391884 L/Sgt Jonathan Wilson Parkin D Coy 1/Green Howards b Auckland Durham 1918 WWII Italy WIA 10.2.1943 Awarded MM 27.1.1944 Gallant Service in Italy


£2,160.00 inc VAT

SKU: C1001963

Military Medal GVIR (4391884 L.SJT. J.W. PARKIN. GREEN HOWARDS.); 1939-45 Star; Italy Star; Defence Medal; War Medal 1939-4

Jonathan Wilson Parkin was born in Auckland Durham in 1918. He was with the Green Howards in Italy where, on 10.2.1943 he was Wounded in Action. A brave man, he was awarded an immediate Military Medal per LG MM 27.1.1944 for Gallant and Distinguished service in Italy. His recommendation for the award read thus:

"On 6 Sep 1943 "D" Coy 1st Bn The Green Howards was ordered to clear the enemy from the high ground overlooking Bagnara. L/Sjt Parkin commanded the leading section and on approaching the enemy, his section encountered fire from heavy and light MG's. Having located the nearest post, L/Sjt Parkin immediately ordered his section to follow him, while he went forward himself and attacked the enemy with hand grenades, killing one and causing the surrender of the remainder.

This determined action and fine leadership prevented the enemy re-organising to face this threat from the rear. It quickly cleared a strong point well sited and and concealed, which had covered by fire the demolition on the main road and delayed the forward advance of the leading Brigade."

According to the 1939 Register he was a Blacksmith's Labourer living at 70 Auckland Terrace, Shildon. He died in Durham Western in March 1987 Durham Western

Sold with some research including copied recommendation.

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