British War Medal (314538 PTE.2. C.J. DONOVAN. R.A.F.); Victory Medal (314538 PTE.2. C.J. DONOVAN. R.A.F.); General Service Medal clasp Iraq (G-13731 A-CPL. C.J. DONOVAN. R.A.S.C.); Defence Medal; War Medal 1939-45
Charles Joseph Donovan served as an Ordinary Seaman with the RNAS. He was born in Camdentown in1898 and, having joined the Royal Navy, transferred to the RNAS in 1916. He was Wounded in Action during the enemy bombardment of Dunkirk 1917 and later served in Iraq with the RASC. He was awarded the GSM 1926 and joined the RAF in 1940.
His medical records indicate that he was a 26 year old Ordinary Seaman 3rd Class when he was, on 27 Jun 1917, admitted to the Dunkirk Royal Naval Hospital with "Wounds of head" - he was attached to Aircraft Depot No.1 Wing & Seaplane Base at the time.
The 1939 Register has him living at 203 Connaught Road, Luton where he was an Office Manager for a Finance Company and a Flying Officer with 10 F Air Defence Cadet Squadron.
The medals are in good condition unless otherwise specified. Sold with copied research.