QSA - Cape Govt Railway - Niekerk
Driver V I Niekerk Cape Government Railways Driving Trains in a Theatre of War Left the service 28.1.1902


£144.00 inc VAT

SKU: C1001678

Queens South Africa Medal (V.I. NIEKERK. C.G.R.)

"Niekerk" was probably "Van Niekerk", a well known surname among the Afrikaans/Dutch population in South Africa. He worked as a Driver for the Cape Government Railways, driving trains in a Theatre of War. In one of those peculiar anomalies, CGR personnel, unless they served with other front-line units, were denied the Cape Colony clasp to their medals, despite being in the vanguard and in danger on many occasions. 

Not much is known about him save that he left the service on 28.1.1902

Medal is in good condition unless otherwise indicated. Sold with medal roll.

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