WWII gp 4 - Waldeck - South African Forces
11923 Corporal Richard Waldeck Kaffrarian Rifles Born 1909 POW Tobruk escaped during the long March 9th April 1945.


£144.00 inc VAT

SKU: C1001302

1939-45 Star; Africa Star; War Medal 1939-45; Africa Service Medal - all correctly named to (11923 R. WALDECK)

Corporal Richard Waldeck was born in East London, South Africa on 4.1.1909. He served with the Kaffrarian Rifles in North Africa/ Middle East and was taken POW at Tobruk on 21.6.1942 when almost the entire S.A. Brigade went "into the bag" when General Klopper surrendered. Incarcerated in the cages at Bhengazi, he was held at a series of POW camps in Italy before being sent to Stalag VIII A in Gorlitz, Germany.

He completed a Questionnaire for ex-Prisoners of War confirming that he was put to farming in Italy. He attempted and escape during the Long March on 9th April 1945 - "Made break into forest just outside Bad Harzburg. Stayed in hills two days until American troops had taken the town then reported to American Military Governor at Goslar. Made escape on 19 April. Was on POW column from Gorlitz from 14th Feb."

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