Indian General service Medal clasps Punjab Frontier 1897-98, Samana 1897, Tirah 1897-98 (69023 Sergt. C. Lane. 9th Fld By R.A.); Queens South Africa Medal clasps Cape Colony, South Africa 1901 (69023 B.Q.M.SJT. C. LANE. R.F.A.); Army Long Service & Good Conduct Medal (69023 B.Q.M.SJT. C. LANE. R.F.A.)
69023 BQMS Charles Lane RFA b Amersham Bucks 1869 Enlisted 1888 Served India & Boer War Awd LSGCM with Gratuity 1907 Disch 30.4.1913
According to the 1921 census he was a Publican living in Gravesend, Kent which is where he passed away in 1933.
The medals are in good condition unless otherwise stipulated. Sold with a quantity of copied research including his service papers.