QSA/KSA Group - Johnson - RA
26860/41660 Dvr Charles Edmund Johnson R.F.A. b Warrington 1874 Enlisted 1898 Boer War Served WWI France 19.1.1915 366 Bty Div Ammo Column RFA Died of Wounds Ypres 29.4.1915


£576.00 inc VAT

SKU: C1001935

Queens South Africa Medal clasps Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal (26860 DVR. C. JOHNSON. 4TH BTY. R.F.A.); Kings South Africa Medal clasps South Africa 1901 & 1902 (26860 DVR. C. JOHNSON. R.F.A.); 1914-15 Star (41660 DVR: C. JOHNSON. R.F.A.); British War Medal (41660 DVR. C. JOHNSON. R.A.); Victory Medal (41660 DVR. C. JOHNSON. R.A.)

Charles Edmund Johnson was born in Warrington in 1874. He enlisted with the Royal Field Artillery in 1898 and saw service with the 4th Battery in the Cape Colony, Orange Free State and Transvaal. Returning to England he settled down to married life but took up arms again in October 1914, just after the commencement of WWI.

He was sent to France on  19.1.1915 and was attached to the 366 Battery, Divisional Ammunition Column. He was Wounded in Action during the fierce fighting around Ypres and Died of Wounds the next day - 30 April 1915. This was the second battle of Ypres and the first where Germany made use of poison gas on a large scale.

His mortal remains are interred in the Bolougne East Cemetery

The medals are in good condition unless otherwise specified. Sold with a quantity of copied research including his service papers.

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