Romania - War Against Communism
Full size ribbon (37mm)


£3.02 inc VAT

SKU: FR1497

Quantity (£0.42 per inch)

Instituted by King Michael I on 1st April 1942. It was awarded to all those who participated in the war against the Soviet Union, including foreigners (i.e. mostly German troops). It was awarded without bar for meritorious service on the home front and bars were created to denote front service. If only one bar was awarded, it was in bronze. When, however, multiple bars were worn, they were silvered.
Known bars are for Azov, Basarabia, Bucovina, Bug, Crimea (or Crimeia), Dobrogea, Donet, Nipru, Nistru, Odessa, Marea Neagra (or Mare Negru), Stalingrad, Dnjestr, Caucaz, Calmucia and Prut.
These bars can be deemed pretty rare as their owners were liable to prosecution after the war by the Stalinist government then in power.

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