1914-15 Star - Crowther - RN
J.36892 John Waterhouse Thompson Crowther. Born Leeds, Yorkshire 1899. Telegraphist Invalided 26.6.1919


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SKU: C050523103

1914 - 15 Star (J.36892.J.W.T.CROWTHER.B.TEL..R.N.)

J.36892 John Waterhouse Thompson Crowther. Born Leeds, Yorkshire 1899. Telegraphist. Attributed service with the R.N. from 30.3.1917. Commenced Served aboard the Impregnable, Vernon, Superb, Canada, Cyclops and Campania in WWI. Commenced service as a Boy on 10.2.1915. Invalided 26.6.1919

Was awarded a Silver War Badge.