BWM/VM - Searle - KRRC - KiA
7948 Sjt J Searle 2nd Bn KRRC KIA 09/05/1915 From Darlington


£84.00 inc VAT

SKU: C050523107

 British War Medal (7948 Sjt. J. Searle. K.R.Rif.C.); Victory Medal 1914-1919; (7948 Sjt. J. Searle. K.R.Rif.C.)

Medals NEF Missing 1914 Star

Joseph Searle was born in Darlington and enlisted in Stockton-on-Tees. Entered France with 1st KRRC on 13th August 1914 and Killed in Action on 9th May 1915 whilst serving with 2nd KRRC and is commemorated on the Le Touret Memorial