BWM/VM Pair - Davey - RN
J.59949 Herbert Davey. A Boot repairer born Bramley Leeds, Yorkshire 1896. Prior service with the R.N.D. in 1915. Enlisted with the Royal Navy on 10.10.1916.


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SKU: C1000178

British War Medal 1914-1920; Victory Medal 1914-1919 (J.59949 H.DAVEY. A.B. R.N.)


J.59949 Herbert Davey A.B. R.N. Was a Boot repairer born in Bramley near Leeds, Yorkshire in 1896. He enlisted with the Royal Navy Division on 8 September 1915 attached to the 5th Battalion, but was discharged "Not finally approved" a week later, on 14 September 1915. He enlisted with the Royal Navy on 10.10.1916 serving aboard Hecla (Cockatrice) with the Fourth Flotilla, as well as Apollo. He was demobilised on 27 February 1919. 

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