ISM - Coleman Joseph O'Loughlin
Awarded January 1947 Postman London Postal Region entitled 15 Star Trio, RNR, wounded 13 Mar 1915 HMA Amethyst


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SKU: C23052515

Imperial Service Medal GVI 1st Type (Coleman Joseph O'Loughlin)


Coleman Joseph O'Loughlin a Postman London Postal Region was awarded the ISM January 1947. London Gazette issue 37859 21st January 1947 refers.

Coleman O'Loughlin was born in Hull on 28th Decenber 1886. He enlisted in the Royal Navy 16th February 1909. He was transferred to the RNR on 15th February 1914 and his trade was postal sorter. He joined the Post Office as a postman in March of 1914 but was recalled to the Navy on 2nd August 1914.

His papers state 'slightly wounded in action 13/3/1915' This would have been in the Dardanelles as HMS Amethyst's entry on Wikipedia states;

Amethyst took part in the covering operation for the minesweeping effort in the Dardanelles and during the action on 1 March and 4 March 1915 she exchanged fire with Turkish forts. On the evening of 4 March she took on board injured personnel of the landing party and discharged them the next day into Soudan and SS Braemar Castle. During the hours of darkness between 6 and 11 March she took part in operations in the Dardanelles against mines, and was frequently in action against field artillery, forts and searchlights. On 14 March at 04:10 she was hit by field artillery and lost 22 men killed. A further 38 men were wounded, of whom 4 later died.  Amethyst retired to Tenedos for repairs. The Captain, Commander G. J. Todd, and Lieutenant James C. J. Soutter, Senior Lieutenant, were commended in the Naval Dispatch dated 17 March 1914 from Vice Admiral Carden.

Entitiled to 1915-15 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medal.

Coleman O'Loghlin died 17th January 1971.

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