Pair and IGSM - Hickmott - RA
2521/911201 Gnr Charles Hickmott b Maidstone Kent 1896 Served RA WWI & NWF India 1919-23 with 77/7 Brigade RA Died 1947


£186.00 inc VAT

SKU: C1002052

British War Medal (2521 GNR. C. HICKMOTT. R.A.); Victory Medal (2521 GNR. C. HICKMOTT. R.A.); India General Service Medal clasps Afghanistan N.W.F. 1919, Waziristan 1919 -21 (911201 GNR. C. HICKMOTT. R.A.)

Charles Hickmott was born in Maidstone, Kent in 1896 he served with the Royal Artillery in WWI and had subsequent service with them on the North West Frontier (Afghanistan and Waziristan) from 1919-23 where he served with 77/7 Brigade RA.

According to the 1939 Register he was a Lorry Driver living at 5 Hartnup Street, Maidstone which is where he died in 1947.

Medals are in good condition unless otherwise indicated. Sold with copied research.

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