WWI WWII Gp - Relke - MN KIA
Chief Steward John Relke. Merchant Navy. Born Liverpool 12.10.1886. Served MN in WWI. K.I.A. aged 54 when S.S. Clan Ogilvy sank 20.3.1941. Torpedoed by U-Boat 105


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SKU: C1001553

British War Medal (JOHN RELKE); Mercantile Marine Medal (JOHN RELKE); 1939-45 Star; Atlantic Star; War Medal 1939-45 - these last unnamed as awarded.

Chief Steward John Relke. Born Liverpool 12.10.1886. Served Merchant Navy in WWI. K.I.A. at the age of 54 when S.S. Clan Ogilvy sank 20.3.1941. Torpedoed by U-Boat 105.

The Clan Ogilvy was a Steam merchant vessel of 5,802 tons. Completed in 1914 by William Doxford & Sons Ltd, Sunderland and owned by The Clan Line Steamers Ltd (Cayzer, Irvine & Co Ltd), London. 

She was attacked on 21 Mar 1941 and sunk by U-105 under the command of Georg Schewe. She had a complement of 82 (36 dead and 46 survivors) and was part of Convoy SL-68 en route from Chittagong to Freetown sailing on 13 March. Her carried 5000 tons of general cargo, including pig iron, groundnuts and tea.

At 00.46 hours on 21 March 1941, U-105 attacked convoy SL-68 182 miles 350° from St. Antonio Island, Cape Verde Islands and sank the Clan Ogilvy and Benwyvis. 33 crew members and three gunners from the Clan Ogilvy (Master Edward Gough) were lost. The master and 19 crew members were rescued by the Spanish steam merchant Cabo Villano and landed at Santos.

Poignantly he was described as having an Anchor with "J" tattooed on his left forearm (his wife's name was Amy) Sold with copy research including confirmation of his WWII medals award.

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