£18.60 inc VAT
Established in November 1956 to secure and to supervise the cessation of hostilities, including the withdrawal of the armed forces of France, Israel and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from Egyptian territory, and after the withdrawal, to serve as a buffer between the Egyptian and Israeli Forces. The Mission was terminated at the request of Egypt in June 1967.
The ribbon has a background of a sand or buff colour symbolizing the Sinai with a wide centre band of UN blue. Two thin lines in dark blue and green appear at either end of the ribbon, the blue representing the Suez Canal, and the green, the Nile Valley. Ninety days of service in the Mission was necessary to qualify for award of the medal.
The following countries provided troops to this Mission: Brazil, Canada, Columbia, Denmark, India, Norway, Sweden and Yugoslavia.
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All medals are supplied with approximately 6 inches of ribbon, if you require extra please select an additional quantity here.
UN - UNEF1 Full Size Ribbon (35mm)
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Buckram Bar
UN - UNEF1 Miniature Size Ribbon (16mm)
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Silver cleaning cloth