15 Trio - Kessler - SAI
2 Lt Victor Emmanuel Kessler b Kimberley 1889 1st South African Infantry KIA in France in the Battle of Butte de Warlencourt 18.10.1916


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SKU: C1001869

1914-15 Star (SJT. V.E. KESSLER. 7TH INFANTRY.); British War Medal (2/LT. V.E. KESSLER.); Victory Medal (2/LT. V.E. KESSLER.)

Victor Emmanuel Kessler was born in Kimberley, Cape Province in 1889. He was the son of Paul a Hotel Keeper and his wife Laura Selina of 14 Brand Street Kimberley. Having enlisted with the 1st South African Infantry he was sent over to France where he was Killed in Action on 18.10.1916

Between 12 -19 October 1916:

At 14:00 with the 2nd and 4th Regiments leading and the 3rd and 1st in reserve they crossed the parapets at the start of the Battle of Butte de Warlencourt. After dawn on the 13th October the 2nd and 4th Regiments were pulled back to High Wood. On the 14th October B Company of the 3rd Regiment took the “pimple” plus a few surrounding trenches, this “pimple” was a prominent feature on the battlefield. The A Company of the 3rd Regiment relieved them on the night of the 15th October. On the 16th October the 3rd Regiment retired to the support line being replaced by the 1st Regiment. On the 18th October A, B and C companies of the 1st Regiment attacked the German positions. Only around forty men from C Company survived this initial attack. As for the A and B companies only a handful of survivors lived, the rest were totally annihilated! On the 19th October a company of the 3rd Regiment went into the attack with limited success. That evening the remnants of the Brigade were relieved by the 6th K.O.S.B. and by the 20th October all troops were back at High Wood. The Butte de Warlencourt was never taken and was only occupied at the end of February 1917, when the enemy retreated. In the ten days of fighting the South African casualties were approximately 1,150 including 45 officers, 16 of whom were killed.

Kessler was a casualty in this action. and is remembered on the Thiepval Memorial.

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