BWM/VM - S Sherwood - R Fus
1995 Sidney Sherwood. Born in Northolt, Middlesex and served with 9th (Service) Bn. Royal Fusiliers. Was WIA on 17 June 1916.


£51.60 inc VAT

SKU: C1000954

British War Medal 1914-1920; Victory Medal 1914-1919 (1995 PTE.S.SHERWOOD.R.FUS.)


Sidney Sherwood was born in Northolt, Middlesex and served with the 9th (Service) Bn. Royal Fusiliers. Attesting for service on 30 August 1914, he was posted to the front on 1 June 1915 where he suffered a Gun Shot Wound to the Left Wrist on 17 June 1916. He was, additionally, treated for Trench Foot in August 1915. He later transferred to the Labour Corps (162370) from where he was demobilised. The 1914/15 Star awarded to him is not with the group.

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