
WWI Gp - McKenzie - RA
57155 BSM Allan Mckenzie RFA Born Inverness 1885 Served 174 Bde & 39th WWI To 30.4.1915 Dardanelles WIA GSW Knee 15.5.1915 3X MID Awarded MSM for Devoted Service France 17.6.1918


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SKU: C1001684

1914-15 Star (57155 BMBR. A. MCKENZIE. R.F.A.); British War Medal (57155 A.WO.CL.2. A. MCKENZIE. R.A.); Victory Medal with M.I.D. Oakleaf (57155 A.W.O. CL.2. A. MCKENZIE. R.A.); Defence Medal; Meritorious Service Medal (57155 SJT. A. MACKENZIE. 39 D.A.C. R.F.A.); Special Constabulary Long Service Medal clasp Long Service 1948 (ALLAN MCKENZIE)

Allan McKenzie served with the Royal Field Artillery. He was born in Inverness in 1885 and, having enlisted on 27.10.1908, served with both the 174 Bde & 39th in WWI. He was posted on 30.4.1915 to the Dardanelles and was reported as WIA there on 13.6.1915. He was no stranger to Syphilis in his early years, requiring several rounds of medical treatment before he was removed from the Syphilis Register.

A brave and enterprising man, he was Mentioned in Dispatches on 3 occasions and was awarded the Meritorious Service Medal for devotion to duty whilst serving in France on 17.6.1918.

His service file is available online.

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