Groups and singles for Gallant and Distinguished Conduct
Decorations and Medals for gallant and distinguished conduct. Please note that you may see the swastika here on period pieces, these are historical items and we cannot deny they existed.

MBE Group - Neilson - RN
JX147394 CYS George Neilson RN Served WWII Atlantic Africa Burma F & G Coastguard District Officer Falmouth Holyhead Clyde Awarded LSGC 1952 RSPCA Animal Life Saving 1971 MBE 1981 Coastguard
£840.00 inc VAT
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DCM (VR) - Allen, Leicesters
Richard Allen, 3215 Pte 1st Leicesters awarded LG 27 Sept 1901. On enlistment an 18 year old a currier born in Chesterfield Derbyshire
£2,400.00 inc VAT
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DCM Group - Crowder - KRRC/MGC
17026 Sgt Ernest Crowder b1894 MCG formerly 10850 KRRC to France 13.8.1914 Awarded DCM for Petite 9/10 September 1916 2 x WIA GSW April & Oct 1918
£1,800.00 inc VAT
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DCM GV gp 6 & Egypt 1882 pair - Downs - RA & Manch R family
20070/1402109 Sgt. Claude Downs. Hammersmith, London. Attested 15.6.1904 Served 5th Med. Battery, R.G.A. W.I.A. 30.8.1920. DCM Mesopotamia 28.12.1921. with I.W.T. (R.E.) With father's medal pair
£4,020.00 inc VAT
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GM gp 5 - McCabe - RAFVR
991199 LAC James McKay McCabe born Scotland 1922 RAFVR 73 Sqd a nursing orderly Awarded George Medal 1944 attempted rescue of crew from a burning Aircraft.
£5,880.00 inc VAT
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MC Pair Plaque - Crampton - RA
3612/15716 2 Lieut William Crampton Born 9.4.1892 Thorne York 2/1 York Dgns Comm RA 10.6.1917. Died France 17.2.1919 A Batt 94th Bde RFA
£1,200.00 inc VAT
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WW1 MC Gp - Lott - Welch R/MGC
Major Francis Albert Lott b Hackney London 1886 served 28 London Regt to France 6.12.1914 Commissioned Lt Welch Regt Awd MC whilst seconded 32 MGC 9.12.1919
£1,860.00 inc VAT
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MC WWI Gp - Arnsby - C of L Yeo and Lond R
1004 Capt Walter Stanley Arnsby MC 3/City of London Yeo b 1896 served WWI Egypt/Gallipoli 14.9.1915 and France 20th London R Comm Lt 18.12.1916 Hampshire R WWII
£1,620.00 inc VAT
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MC Gp - Redgrave - RE RNVR
Lt Comm Harry Conway Redgrave RE born London 1894 Comm 2/Lt 12.8.915 Awarded MC 1917 and MID 1917 Served WWII Lt Comm Anti Submarine HMS Osprey
£1,260.00 inc VAT
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MC Group - Wyncoll -RE
Lt Col Charles Edward Fowler Wyncoll RE born India 1883 Comm 2nd Lt 1902 To France 28.2.1915 46th (North Midland) Division. Awarded MC 1918 WWII managed a Camp Died 1956.
£1,740.00 inc VAT
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MC WWI WWII gp 7 - Hudson - Sea Highrs
Capt. Charles Henry Hudson, 6th Seaforth High. Bridgnorth, Shropshire 1879. Teacher Bedford Modern School O.T.C. Comm 6.12.1910. France 1.5.1915. Awarded M.C. 18.9.1918. Chief Officer Woking Fire Bde.
£1,860.00 inc VAT
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MC GV gp 5 - Watson Worc R
Capt George Grosvenor Watson MC 1/7th Worc Regt Born Kidderminster 21.10.1887 Comm Lieutenant to France 1.4.1915 MID and WIA to the face April 1917 Awarded MC
£1,896.00 inc VAT
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MC/Bar Group - Haddingham - RA
Lt Col Reginal Edward Hawke Hadingham b Scheveningen Netherlands 1915 302 Bty RA MC Salerno MC bar San Lorenzo CBE 1988 Chairman All England Tennis Club Wimbledon
£6,000.00 inc VAT
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MC Gp - Flint - Recce C
299430/Lt William Flint, 61 Recce Rgt RAC b 1919 lived St Helens Comm 11.1943 Immediate MC France 12.1944
£2,700.00 inc VAT
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MC WWII Gp 7 - Canty - R Fus
75196 Major John Leng Canty b 1919 Greenwich 1st Bn Royal Fusiliers Immediate MC 1944 Italy when Commanding C Company TD awarded 1950, Lived Dulwich, London Died 1991 Great Yarmouth
£2,340.00 inc VAT
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DFC GVI Gp - Moir - RAF
F/O Alastair Ian Taylor Moir RAF b 1919 Brentford Died 25.5.43 Served 1652 Hvy Conv Unit Bomber Cmnd Pilot Inst Killed when Crashed Tockwith, Yorks Engine Fire circling Marston Moor in Trng Flight.
£3,060.00 inc VAT
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WW2 DFM Group - Johnson - RAF
1816698 Sgt Roderick Johnson attested at Birmingham with 578 Sqdn RAF, 36 Operational sorties in Halifax as Flight Engineer, DFM awarded 8/12/1944.
£2,160.00 inc VAT
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DFM Gp 5 - Sutton - RAFVR
1437778 Flight Sergeant Air Gunner Edward Sutton 77 Squadron RAF DFM awarded 1944 for 32 operational sorties recording hits on an enemy Ju 88.
£2,400.00 inc VAT
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WW2 Gp 4 - Beckenham - AAC
6293451 Albert Charles Beckenham Army Air Corps Born Bexley Kent 1920 Serving Brother SJAB 1975
£180.00 inc VAT
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SM The Order of St John - Whitehead
Captain and Doctor John Peter Stockwell Whitehead RAMC, Serving Brother 1972 and Officer 1983 born Halifax 1918 a Pathologist working at a variety of hospitals in Cambridgeshire and Yorkshire.
£180.00 inc VAT
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Order of St John Service Med - Hukin
43429. D/Off. Ernest Hukin. Yorks. S.J.A.B. 1948. Born 29.8.1915. Serving Brother LG 10.1.1958. Officer Brother 2.1.1968
£108.00 inc VAT
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SM The Order of St John - Daniels
Thomas Joseph Daniels. NO. 8264/H. Made Serving Brother LG 5.7.1955. Made Officer Brother LG 2.7.1963.
£96.00 inc VAT
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Order of St John Service Med -
Cpl. A.M. Syms. Berks. S.J.A.B.1953. Made an officer brother of the Order of St John after 35 years service, Reading, Berkshire. Served R.A.F. WWII. Newspaper article attached.
£120.00 inc VAT
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SM The Order of St John - Bradoon - Devon
A/Off. Richard John Braddon. Devon. S.J.A.B. 1953. Born Barnstaple 27.6.21. Officer Brother 1960. Serving Brother 1955. Died Bideford, Devon 3.5.2004
£96.00 inc VAT
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