New Medals and Groups
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15 Trio - Clowes - RN
J44672 CPO Harry Thomas Clowes born Portsmouth 14.12.1899. Enlisted 1916 served Resolution WWI. Recalled WWII Comm Master Gunner Died Shawell Leic 3.3.1977
£180.00 inc VAT
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MM Gp - Fitch - Herts Lincs
6744/235131 L/Cpl James Bawtree Fitch 8th Bn Lincolnshire Regiment born Colchester 1887 Awarded MM LG 27.8.1918 Reported WIA 27.5.1918 also served Herts Regiment
£480.00 inc VAT
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KPM Gp - Lee - Police
Det Insp Edgar Lee Stockport Borough Police Born Staly Cheshire 1.8.1860 Joined 30.11.1881 served 38 yrs awarded 1911 Coro Medal and KPM 12.2.1914 Retired 26.9.1919
£1,200.00 inc VAT
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WWII Gp - Webb - RAFVR
121971 Ft. Lt. Stanley Eric Webb. Attached to No. 927 (County of Gloucester) Balloon Squadron AAF. Served in France & Germany. Awarded 1952 Coronation Medal.
£348.00 inc VAT
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15 Trio 37 Coro - Holmes - R Fus RE Tunneler
8332/404347 Pte. Thomas Holmes. 32 Royal Fus 180th Tunnelling Company To France 14.11.15. 2 x W.I.A. GSW to back, buttocks, thighs. Chief Constable, Durham Constabulary.
£210.00 inc VAT
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Boer War Gp - Earley - RN
152598 Chief Stoker Ernest Edwin Earley born Shanklin, IoW 30.12.1870. Enlisted 7.1.1890. Served HMS Fearless A.B.W. Joined R.F.R. 3.2.1912. Served Europa and St George in WWI. Demob 22.2.1919
£576.00 inc VAT
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GSM Malaya - hawkes
22624738 Pte N.H.HAWKES. Royal West Kent Regiment possibly Neville Hartley Hawkes b 1926 A TV Camera Man who died in Car Accident 1957
£84.00 inc VAT
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15 Trio 37 Cor - Robinson - HAC
Captain George Scott Robertson ASC Born Edinburgh 22.11.1878 Attested 5.9.1914 HAC. Infantry WIA. 8.6.1915 1937 Coronation Permanent Secretary Ministry Agriculture
£192.00 inc VAT
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WWII Gp - Hartland - Dur LI (POW)
5252513 Pte Lionel Richard Frederick Hartland 9th Durham LI Born Evesham 1919 BEF Evac Dunkirk Taken POW El Alamein North Africa 27.7.1942 Held Italy & Stalag 8B Germany Died Worcester 1968
£228.00 inc VAT
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OBE Gp 6 - Ganderton - RE
Capt Howard Sims Ganderton Born Aston, Birmingham 1890 1/3 Devon Works Co R.E. Served Balkans Egypt & Palestine 9.11.1915 County Surveyor, Wilts County Council
£420.00 inc VAT
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MC Pair Plaque - Crampton - RA
3612/15716 2 Lieut William Crampton Born 9.4.1892 Thorne York 2/1 York Dgns Comm RA 10.6.1917. Died France 17.2.1919 A Batt 94th Bde RFA
£1,200.00 inc VAT
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MM pair & Plaque - Smith, Loyals
3113/200917 Pte. Richard Smith, Born 1888 Samesbury, Lancs. Served 1/4 Loyal North Lancs. Awarded MM 13.3.1918. Killed in Action 13.10.1918
£840.00 inc VAT
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NGS - Algiers - W Burt
William Burt, Midshipman born Plymouth 1799 Entered RN 13.11.1811 Midshipman 3.3.1814 participated bombardment of Algiers To Coastguard 11.6.1835
£2,280.00 inc VAT
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Natal 1906 gp 3 - Winter
The Honourable Henry Daniel Winter, Minister of Native Affairs Natal Colonial Government during Bambatha Rebellion 1906 Town of Winterton named after him.
£2,820.00 inc VAT
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NGSM GV Per G 15 Trio RFR LSM - Ellis - RN
K4706 SPO Walter Ellis RN born 4.4.1889 Leeds York Enlisted 1.11.1909 On Persian Gulf operations served Prosperine WWI served Grafton at Gallipoli Syrian Coast To RFR 4.1.1920
£408.00 inc VAT
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QSA/KSA Group - Johnson - RA
26860 Dvr Charles Edmund Johnson 4th Bty RFA later 41660 Dvr 366 Bty DAC b Warrington 1874 Enlisted 1898 Boer War Served WWI France 19.1.1915 366 Bty Div Ammo Column RFA Died of Wounds Ypres 29.4.1915
£576.00 inc VAT
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WWII gp 3 - Young - RM (KIA)
Marine Cecil James Young Royal Marines Killed 8/05/1940 on HMS Resolution at Tjeldsundet, Near Narvik, His Father was also serving in Marines, Comes with Family medal, Born 1922.
£192.00 inc VAT
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MM Trio - Swain - London R
260318 Pte Walter Swaine 4th R Fus, Monmouthshire R, 6th SWB, 29th Lond R France 27.10.1915 WIA 4.6.1918 MM 6th SWB LG 11.6.1918
£660.00 inc VAT
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WWI pair Belg CdG - Glenister - RA
Captain Robert Henry Glenister 96th Brigade RFA, Wounded 1917 Awarded Belgium Croix De Guerre 1919 with original Certificate, Born 1894 Bedford, 1939 ARP Warden, Upper Sundon Luton.
£444.00 inc VAT
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SM The Order of St John - Whitehead
Captain and Doctor John Peter Stockwell Whitehead RAMC, Serving Brother 1972 and Officer 1983 born Halifax 1918 a Pathologist working at a variety of hospitals in Cambridgeshire and Yorkshire.
£180.00 inc VAT
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WWII gp 3 - Bingham Powell - RN KiA
Lieutenant Patrick Alex Bingham Powell Royal Navy KIA HMS Vortigern 15 March 1942, Son of Vice Admiral George Bingham Powell, Born 1918.
£222.00 inc VAT
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MBE gp 8 - Brooking - RN
Henry Richard George Brooking born Devonport 20.3.1882. Served as Artificer Engineer R.N. on 16.6.1902. WWI & II. M.I.D. was aboard Malaya at Jutland and awarded M.B.E. (1931)
£564.00 inc VAT
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DCM Group - Crowder - KRRC/MGC
17026 Sgt Ernest Crowder b1894 MCG formerly 10850 KRRC to France 13.8.1914 Awarded DCM for Petite 9/10 September 1916 2 x WIA GSW April & Oct 1918
£1,800.00 inc VAT
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WWII gp 4 - Hutchinson - RA Ayr Yeo KiA
977380 Bomb. William Hutchinson born Cadzow, Hamilton, Scotland. K.I.A. age 29 on 1.3.1945. Served 151 (Ayrshire Yeo.) Field Regt. Royal Artillery. Reichswald Forest, Germany
£216.00 inc VAT
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